Tuesday 9 July 2013

Doc’s Macaroni Salad

Cookout and BBQ Season!

I have realized that my love for cooking must have come from my grandmother Doc. We spent most  summers with her as children, and and even though she did not actually teach us how to cook,  I vividly remember  how much she enjoyed cooking and serving people. She was always cooking; there was a large spread of food every single Sunday, without fail. She loved Christmas, thanksgiving, making green bean casserole, turkey and chicken salads, lasagna the works.

A few months ago my mother and I were cooking for a church fund raiser and mom began to boast how she makes the best macaroni salad around. I sat and watched her add all the ingredients, stirring, tasting until it was finally finished. When I tasted it I was so shocked at how amazing it really did taste. I’m not much of a potato, or macaroni salad chick, that’s my sister’s forte. Grandma had taught her and she had just taught me.

Ingredients (Printable Recipe)

1 Box Elbow Macaroni (1 lb)
2.5 cups mayonnaise
½ cup sweet relish
¼ cup Thousand Island dressing (or French)
1 cup shredded carrot
½ large sweet pepper shredded
1 small onion shredded
1 cup sweet corn
1 cup sweet peas
1 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. Lawry seasoning salt
1 tbsp. sugar


  1. Boil a box of macaroni following the instructions. Make sure not to overcook them.
  2. Once they are cooked, rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process and drain.
  3. Shred onion, carrots and sweet peppers
  4. In a bowl, combine the mayonnaise and the macaroni
  5. Add the thousand islands and sweet relish, followed by the shredded ingredients
  6. Stir in the corn and peas and lastly the dry seasonings
  7. Store in a container with a lid, and place in the fridge. 


You are all in for a treat, I could sit over a bowl of this stuff and just eat. Every single ingredient adds something special.

Thank you Grandma Doc

XoXo GreedyGirl