Monday 24 August 2020

June Plum Juice

Juicy & Icy!

I can’t begin to tell you the amount of June plums we have wasted in this household. We have several trees, but for some reason, no one eats them, they drop off the tree and rot, or when we pick the ripe ones and take them inside, they sit on the counter until they get thrown out. One Sunday My father came into the kitchen and was complaining of the lack of juice options in the refrigerator meanwhile the 12 June plums he picked the day before were staring at us on the countertop. I said enough is enough.

I wanted this to be as easy and as foolproof as possible. So, I am not cutting up anything and removing the pits and I’m not peeling anything. I am also not stirring the sugar to dissolve. No, we are throwing everything in the blender and hitting that button! I used my ninja for this, and the June plum pits were no match. Everything blended out to the perfect mush leaving me with a thick rich drink once strained.

June plums are one of the rare fruits that can make delicious juices and even be eaten if it is not yet ripe. Most Jamaicans prefer June plum green with a bit of salt or sugar. I prefer to have them sweet and ripe. That Sunday I made a jug of June Plum juice that had so much ginger it was spicy, yet still hella yummy. I chased it with organic bitter cranberry juice, and it was a really good combo. I decided this may be a good recipe to post to the blog. 

With these juices and drinks the possibilities are endless. I for sure will be coming back with a few more recipes using fruits and veggies that usually go to waste. I made the juice again with less ginger and then again adding passionfruit. I was worried the passionfruit would have overpowered the plum but it did not at all. That is a lovely combo and I would recommend if you have any, try adding two passion fruits to the blend. It is so very refreshing and delicious!

Greedy Tips:

  • No need to peel, once they are washed well there is no need.
  • Make sure to use an immensely powerful blender that can blend the June plum pits to mush!
  • When the juice is in the bottle in the refrigerator the ginger will settle so make sure to mix each time before serving.
  • You can use a little less sugar if your June plums are ripe.

Ingredients (Printable Recipe)

12-14 June Plums
1 cup brown sugar
1 lime (juice)
¼ cup fresh ginger
6.5 cups of water


  • Wash plums thoroughly cut off any bad spots if you see any
  • To a blender, add plums, brown sugar, lime juice, ginger, and water
  • Blend all the ingredients and blend for 3 to 5 minutes
  • Strain in a nut bag, or cheesecloth or any fine strainer
  • Place the juice in a jug or sealed bottle and store in the refrigerator.

 "The Milk nut bag used in the video"

Xoxo Greedygirl

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